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Mint info
AU (gold, dīnār) mints AR (silver, dirham) mints AE (copper, fals) mints For colour, see Mint info
This is a timeline of Islamic mints until the year 399AH / 1009 CE, produced in the framework of the ERC project The Early Islamic Empire at Work at Hamburg University.
Each of the metal types are represented by a different coins: mints producing gold dīnārs by , silver dirhams by , and copper fulūs by .
The authorities that operated these mints are indicated with colors. Toggle the mint info pane on the left for an overview of the active mints and minting authorities, and to display or hide specific metals.
The data is derived from Ömer Diler’s overview of Islamic mints. Additions and corrections are projected for future versions of this timeline.
For suggestions, comments and corrections, please contact Peter Verkinderen.
NB: currently, Arab-Sasanian, Arab-Byzantine and Arab-Latin coins are excluded from the timeline.